Current statistics for League and Tournament
- Island Championship history and records
- Check out the history of the Island Championships. Listed are the winners of the different Classes from years gone by.
- Mens League historical stats
- stats from past years on Mens winners of all categories. eg Mens A Singles, Mens League Champions. Browse all categories
- Ladies League Historical awards 1985-2014
- this is a list of all the Ladies League awards from 1985 to 2014. Its a long list but well worth a look. What a rich history our club has
- 2015 Award Winners
- List of all the winners of awards for GVHPA 2015 season.
- 2016 Winter Ringers Feb 21 Results
- Results for the Winter Ringers tournament that was held on Feb 21 2016 . We had 36 entries and a great time was had by all. Lindsay Hodgins pitched a 90% game. See results in the following file
- 2016 Spring League playoff results
- Updated pdf file of results of Spring League playoffs
- 2016 Summer league starting Teams and Handicaps
- Listed is the Teams along with the hcps that will be in effect for the first 2 weeks of the league. Then new hcps will be established. New players and players moving up to 30 ft will establish a hcp after the first week.
- 2016 Summer League Standings
- pdf file with 2016 Summer League Standings after week 16 with results and upcoming games and duties.
- 2016 results for GVHPA and Sasnich Open
- 2016 Fall League Standings
- standing from the Fall League drop in and play partners. stats as of wk 6 Nov 27 , 2016
- 2017 Spring league
- 2017 fall League
- standings and averages from the 2017 Fall League
- 2018 Spring league standings wk 1.pdf
- 2018 spring
- 2018 Spring league standings wk 2.pdf
- 2018Springleaguestandingswk2.pdf
- 2018 ringers results.pdf
- 2018ringersresults.pdf
- copy_of_2018ringersresults.pdf
- 2018Springleaguestandingswk4.pdf
- 2018Springleaguestandingswk5.pdf
- 2018Springleaguestandingswk6.pdf
- springplayofffinal.pdf
- hcpandsched.pdf
- week1report.pdf
- copy_of_week1report.pdf
- week2report.pdf
- copy_of_week2report.pdf
- week3report.pdf
- copy_of_week3report.pdf
- week4report.pdf
- copy_of_week4report.pdf
- week5report.pdf
- week6report.pdf
- copy_of_week6report.pdf
- week7report.pdf
- copy_of_week7report.pdf
- week8report.pdf
- copy_of_week8report.pdf
- week9report.pdf
- copy_of_week9report.pdf
- week10report.pdf
- copy_of_week10report.pdf
- week11report.pdf
- copy_of_week11report.pdf
- week12report.pdf
- week13report.pdf
- copy_of_week13report.pdf
- week14report.pdf
- copy_of_week14report.pdf
- week15report.pdf
- week16report.pdf
- week17report.pdf
- week18report.pdf
- copy_of_week18report.pdf